
Hockey Team Wins.

The University hockey team defeated the Sophomores yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field by a score of 4 to 0. Only one half was played. Because of the absence of Laverack and Winsor there was but little team work on the part of the University players. The Sophomores, in spite of their recent lack of practice, played a creditable game; they were, very accurate on defence. The offensive work of Rumsey and Pruyn for the University team, and of Pier for the Sophomores was excellent. The line-up was as follows: University.  Sophomores. Rumsey, f.  f., Foster. Pruyn, f.  f., McAvity Ward, f.  f., Pier. Goodridge, f.  f., Smith. Penhallow, c.p.  c.p., Locke. Hardy, p.  p., Page. Manning, g.  g., Foote.
