
Students' Missionary Conference.

The fourteenth annual convention of the Church Students' Missionary Association will begin in Philadelphia today, and last until Sunday. Delegates will be sent to the conference from the religious societies of many different colleges. Two delegates, W. R. Lawrence '01 and E. B. Krumbhaar '04, will represent the St. Paul's Society of Harvard University.

During the convention, addresses will be given by Bishop Whitaker of Eastern Pennsylvania, Bishop Hare of South Dakota, Bishop Baldwin of Huron, Canada, and Bishop Hall of Vermont; also by the Rev. Floyd W. Tompkins, Dean Groton and Rev. William C. Brown of Brazil. The following papers will be read: "The Student Movement of the World," by Mr. J. R. Mott, General Secretary of the World's Student Christian Federation; "The Progress of the Kingdom in the Year 1900," by Mr. D. G. Owen, vice-president of the C. S. M. A.; 'Life work--the Student's Decision," by Mr. Robert E. Speer; "Mission Study," by Mr. Harlan P. Beach, Educational Secretary of the Student Volunteer Movement; "The Negro of the South," by Rev. A. B. Hunter of Raleigh, N. C.; "The Chinese Problem," by Rev. R. K. Massie; "Our Work in China," by Rev. D. T. Huntington; and "How the Brotherhood Man can Help the Church's Mission Work," Mr. Silas McBee, Chairman of the brotherhood of St. Andrew.

A reception to delegates will be held at the Deanery of the Divinity School at 4 o'clock today, and at the Deaconess House, 708 Spruce street at 4 o'clock Saturday.
