

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed. Every communication must be accompanied by the name of the writer.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

Some time ago, I noticed with pleasure the rebuff that you administered to a few men who called themselves reporters for the Boston daily papers.

These fellows seem to have little sense of truth or propriety. They are continually writing the most utter trash about our College life. While they confine themselves to "Old Buck," "Anarchists Bombs" etc., it is rather amusing and I suppose no one really cares. But is it not time that something was done to put a stop to the impertinent personalities now appearing from time to time, especially when they reach the height of unscrupulousness of the one entitled "Broken by Hunger and Overwork" appearing in this morning's Boston Post?

As I sat at the same table at Randall Hall, with the gentleman referred to, and knew him slightly, I can certainly say that this article is mostly one of rank falsehood. He may have had vegetarian notions about diet, but his illness was most certainly not brought on by lack of good food, in any sense of the word. He was a bright clever fellow and never showed any peculiarities in manner or dress. It is a shame that publicity has been made of his slight breakdown in health, an occurrence that is by no means uncommon to a comparatively large percentage of men in any great college; and I, for one, can see no excuse for the printing of such a false report as the one here referred to.


Thanking you for your space and time, I am, Yours truly,   G. HOWARD GRANT '01.   February 27.
