
Basketball Team Defeats Newton Y. M. C. A.

The basketball team defeated the Newton Y. M. C. A. at Newton last night, by a score of 32 to 14. The Harvard team played a slow game and, by making a large number of fouls, enabled the Newton team to score an unnecessary number of goals. Good team work with smooth running off of signals, however, won the game.

The summary: HARVARD.  NEWTON. Underwood, l.f.  r.g., Porter. Gilles, r.f.  l.g., Noden. Linehan, c.  c., Billings. Hanavan, l.g.  r.f., Greenough. Lehmann, r.g.  l.f., Bailey.

Goals from floor--Underwood, 4; Gilles, 3; Lineban, 2; Lehmann, 5; Greenough, 2; Bailey 2. Goals from fouls--Gilles, 4; Bailey, 1; Greenough, 1; Billings, 1; Porter, 3.
