
I. C. A. A. A. A. Meeting.

At a meeting of the Intercollegiate Amateur Athletic Association of America, held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York on Saturday, the following officers were elected for this year: President, E. A. Mechling of U. of P.; vice presidents, E. R. Goldthwaite of Williams and A. A. Webb of Syracuse; secretary, J. W. Gould of New York University; treasurer, A. B. Bradley of Columbia; executive committee, T. Gerrish '01, J. W. Jamison of Princeton, J. H. Blair of Cornell and S. L. Coy of Yale.

The large financial returns of the games last year, which left a balance of $2299.48 in the treasury, led to the rejection of the plans for holding the games anywhere outside of New York. The treasurer's report also showed such a prosperous condition of the association that it was decided to exempt from dues all the universities which had entered three or more men in the games last year.

Amendments were added to the constitution bearing on the eligibility of entries, making the one-year residence rule and the prohibition of free training table board applicable to all the universities.

The association decided to expel the University of California if the dues of that university should not be paid within three weeks. Stevens Institute, Johns Hopkins, Amherst, Swarthmore and the University of Michigan were reinstated to membership upon the payment of their back dues.
