

Basketball Team Wins a Close Game.--Freshmen Play Yale Tonight.

The University basketball team defeated Columbia at New York Thursday night in the Columbia gymnasium, by the score of 11 to 9. The game was marked by fast and exciting playing, the result being in doubt until the last few minutes of play in the second half. Columbia's defense was good and Harvard won only by hard offensive playing and accuracy in goal throwing.

During the first half. Harvard kept up a strong attack on the Columbia defense. For the first pat of the period, both teams were even, but finally Harvard took the lead. In the second half Harvard depended more on defensive work and was greatly superior to Columbia in massing her team at the right moment. Columbia weakened much in this half and here passing and goal shooting became very ragged.

The summary is as follows: Harvard.  Columbia. Gilles, r.f.  l.g. Marston. Underwood, l.f.  r.g., Townsend. Fenwick, c.  c., O'Connell. Lehmann, r.g.  r.f., Elias. Clark, l.g.  l.f., Allen.

Goals from floor--Gilles 1, Underwood 1, Lehmann 1, Clark 1, Marston 2, Elias 1, Allen 1. Goals from fouls--Fenwick 3, O'Connell 1. Referee, J. Jardine; Umpires, Jennings, Harvard, Pettyman, Columbia.

The Freshman basketball team will play the Yale Freshman team in the Gymnasium at eight o'clock tonight. A limited number of tickets for the game are on sale at Amee's and at Thurston's; a few also will be sold at the door before the game.


The match will probably be a close one, as neither team has any advantage over the other in size or experience. Harvard has generally played better in practice than in regular games, and is weak principally in guarding cover and goal.

Following are the scores of the games played by the two teams this season: Yale 1904, 18, Waterbury High School, 11; Yale 1904, 12, New Britain High School, 11; Yale 1904, 8, Pratt Institute, 30. The record of the Harvard team is: Harvard 1904, 18, Brown and Nichols, 14; Harvard 1904, 17, Boston English High School, 12; Harvard 1904, 19, Salem High School, 22; Harvard 1904, 23, Cambridge English High School, 2; Harvard 1904, 22, Melrose High School, 29.

The line-up will be: Harvard 1904.  Yale 1904. Smith, r.f.  l.g., Church. Bennett, l.f.  r.g., Binkerd. Fisher, c.  c., Smith. Bigelow, r.g.  l.f., Luce. Fosdick, Bourne, Hill, l.g.  r.f., Tweedy. Referee--R. C. Dorr'03.
