

Plan for a New Rowing Association.--Weld and Newell Invited to Join.

Invitations have lately been received by the Weld and Newell clubs to join the proposed Amateur Rowing Association of New London.

This association, which was originally proposed by the Union Boat Club of Boston and sanctioned by several Boston men prominent for their interest in rowing matters, is to carry out a system much like that of the English Henley Regatta, aiming to bring together the various amateur club crews of the country at New London during the week before the Harvard-Yale race. As the association is to consist primarily of club crews, no university eights will be entered and only the rowing men of such clubs as the Weld and Newell will represent the various universities. Thus far, beside the two Harvard clubs, the Durham Club of Yale, the Union Boat Club, the Boston Athletic Association, and the Philadelphia Barge Club are on the prospective membership list and it probably only remains for these clubs to join in order to have the plan carried through. In the case of favorable replies, the regatta will in all probability be held at New London this June.

The question of the acceptance of this proposition by the Weld and Newell clubs was brought before the Athletic Committee by the officers of the clubs last night. The committee took no definite action on the question one way or the other, but asked that the clubs submit estimates as to the probable expense of the undertaking and as to other necessary arrangements. If the Committee approves of the plan after these estimates are given, a vote of the clubs will be taken to decide finally the question of acceptance. The officers of the clubs are in favor of the plan if the necessary arrangements can be made.

In view of this plan, the proposed quadrangular race with the second crews of Pennsylvania, Columbia and Cornell, has been definitely given up.
