The trials for the inter-class debates were held last night by the Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen. For the Junior team were chosen: E. B. Boynton, C. P. McCarthy, E. E. Smith and H. A. Sage, alternate. The Juniors have chosen the negative of the question, "Resolved, That the representation in the House of Representatives should be reappointed in accordance with Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment." The election for officers of the second half year resulted as follows: President, E.E. Smith; vice-president, O. G. Frantz; secretary, H. A. Sage; treasurer, H. L. Wells: fifth member of the executive committee, W. A. Sawyer; Camp Captains, J. H. Holmes and B. A. McKinnon.
At the Sophomore trials R. Ernst, E. F. Mann, and H. A. Rich were chosen as the first team, and G. Bettman, O. J. Campbell and G. Clark as the second team.
The first Freshman team, to debate against the Sophomores, will be A. A. Baliantine, J. Daniels and R. J. Henshaw. J. M. Fitzpatrick, W. H. Nelson and R. S. Wallace were chosen for the second team. The question for the Sophomore-Freshman debate is "Should the United States have a system of Shipping Subsidies?" The Freshmen will make their choice of sides today.
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