The candidates for the Yale track team have been practising for three weeks, and it has become possible to judge somewhat of the ability of the squad. In the sprints Yale should be strong this year, as Boardman and Dupee are in College and the new material promises well. Captain Fincke is a probable point winner in the hurdles, and Clapp, Thomas and Mead have shown ability in this event. Sheldon, Beck and Stillman in the shot put, Spraker in the high jump, Weston in the mile run and Boardman in the quarter mile are strong men. For the half mile and two mile runs there is a distinct lack of promising material, and in the pole vault the loss by graduation of Bascom Johnson will be keenly felt. Under Murphy's training the men have developed rapidly, and the material seems to warrant the belief that the track team, as a whole, will be stronger than the 1900 team.
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