
Seniors Defeat Juniors

The Seniors defeated the Juniors in the class hockey championship yesterday on Soldiers Field by the score of 3 to 2. As the Juniors won the first game, this necessitates a third game, which will be played on Thursday if the ice is in good condition. The winner of the game on Thursday will play the Freshmen for the class championship.

The game yesterday was very rough and there was considerable offside play. Neither side showed much team work but the Seniors were faster and passed with greater accuracy than the Juniors. The only goal in the first half was scored by the Seniors, whose defensive play in this half was especially strong. In the second half the Seniors scored two more goals, but weakened on the defence and allowed the Juniors to score twice. The line-up was as follows: 1901.  1902. Milne, f.  f., Seaver. Canterbury, f.  f., Cook. Coolidge (Capt.), f.  f., Burgess (Capt.). Hoxie, f.  f., Chaffee. W. R. Lawrence, c.p.  c.p., Noyes. Hyde, p.  p., Pownall. Sampson, g.  g., Goddard.

Goals -- Canterbury 2, Hoxie, Cook, Chaffee. Time--20 minute halves.
