
Interclass Debate Questions.

The question for the Senior-Junior debate will be, "Resolved, That the representation of States in the House of Representatives should, be reapportioned in accordance with Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment."

The question for the Sophomore Freshman debate is "Should the United States adopt a system of shipping subsidies?" The Freshmen have the choice of sides. The first Freshman trial will be held February 15. The judges will be W. M. Chadbourne 1L., P. A. Atherton 1L., and S. G. Wellington 1L. Each speaker will be allowed five minutes. The names of men intending to speak must be handed in at Grays 31 by noon on Friday. The order of speaking will be posted in Gore Hall at two o'clock on that day.

The Sophomores will hold their first trial on February 14 in Harvard 1. W. Catchings '01, H. P. Chandler '01 and H. B. Kirtland '01 will serve as judges. At the first trial the speeches will be limited to five minutes, and at the second trial to ten. The names of those who intend to enter the Sophomore trials must be handed in at Craigie 304 before 12 o'clock February 14. The list of speakers will be posed at Harvard 1 at 1 p. m. on the day of the first trial.
