A memorial gateway at Yale will soon be erected between Osborn and Welch Halls by the class of '96, in memory of two members of the class who died in the Spanish war.
Sixty four volumes disappeared from the reserved and reference shelves in the Gore Hall library during the last college year. This number is about twice as large as the average in recent years. Ot 1,403 books reported missing from the library during the past eighteen years, 557 have been recovered.
On Feb. 26, 27, and 28 the presidents of fourteen American universities will meet in Chicago at the second annual session of the Association of American Universities. The following topies will be discussed: "Migration Among Graduate Students" "Examinations for the Doctor's degree." "Award and Value of Fellowships," "To what extent should a candidate for the Doctor's degree be required to show a knowledge of subjects not immediately connected with his major subject."
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