The problem in developing next year's football team will be to build up a new line from almost untried material. Of the men who played this year, in the Pennsylvania and Yale games, the team will lost by graduation, D. C. Campbell, end and captain, C. Blagden and R. Lawrence, tackles, C. S. Sargent and E. H. Greene, centres, and A. W. Ristine, halfback. W. G. Lee will probably not play another year, and O. F. Cutts, this year's right tackle, will be barred by the four year eligibility rule.
This leaves, then, of this year's line only C. A. Barnard '02, who will be in the Law School, and E. Bowditch '03. Behind the line, however, C. B. Marshall '04, R. P. Kernan '03 and T. H. Graydon '03, should form a strong backfield. The other men who have had experience in the big games are C. F. Wright '03, J. A. Burgess '04, G. T. Jones '03 and D. A. Baldwin '03.
Behind the line, Marshall, Kernan and Graydon should hold their positions. L. J. Daly '03 and D. A. Baldwin '03 seem to be the next strongest candidates for quarter, with the chances in favor of the former, whose strength on the offense and ability to drop-kick more than offset the latter's strong defensive work. T. G. Meier '04 and D. D. L. McGrew '03 are strong, but slow candidates for fullback, and R. Derby '03, J. A. Knowles '03, G. L. Jones '03, A. W. Swann '03 and O. C. Mackay '04 are reliable halfbacks. It is possible that E. T. Putnam 1G. and A. Stilman '03 will play, so the outlook for a strong backfield is good.
The ends of the line, though much weakened by the loss of D. C. Campbell at left end should come up to the average with E. Bowditch '03, J. D. Clark '03, W. C. Matthews '05 and J. A. Burgess '04 for candidates. g. L. Motley '02 and O. F. Cooper '02, who are coming back in the Law School, will also play.
Both tackle positions will have to be filled by new men, the most promising of whom are T. F. Randolph '03, D. W. Knowlton '03, C. F. Wright '03 and A. W. Jones '04.
The graduation of Sargent and the improbability of Lee's playing again, make a big hole in the centre. Barnard, however, should be very strong next year and C. A. Shea '04, C. H. Robinson '04 and F. B. Riggs '03 are good men. King 1L. is a promising candidate for centre, having played on the second team all year. H. K. Roberts '04 and W. A. Sugden '03 seem to be the only other available candidates for this position.
Of this year's Freshman team the promising men seem to be J. F. Kidder, F. O. Mills, A. Crocker and R. A. Derby in the line, and R. W. Leatberbee and D. J. Hurley in the backfield.
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