
Hon. William Reed's Lecture.

Hon. William Reed '64 of Taunton, spoke in the Fogg Lecture Room last night on "Harvard During the Civil War." He said in part: Harvard in the early sixties was more like a present day preparatory school than a college. The discipline in those days was very strict. Going to sleep in Chapel, smoking in the Yard, or appearing in class rooms with unkept clothes was always followed by a summons to appear before President Felton. It was this discipline, however, which made the College in those days so united and which consequently made the separation of the students to join the two armies so painful.

Just before the war there was an unusual calm about the College, and the southern men, though always friendly generally held apart from College activities. At the first outbreak of the war the southerners left in a body to join the Confederate army, and one hundred and forty-three of the northerners enlisted in the Union army.

Those who were left behind continued with their College work, at first with much less vigor, but as the war continued College life again became normal and the students took a renewed interest in their studies and athletics. The war spirit, however, was not dead, as the students had turned the Gymnasium into an arsenal and spent much of their time in drilling. Of the men who fought in the war it is enough to say that they fought bravely and on whichever side they enlisted, they were faithful to their cause and did honor to their College.
