
Dr. Abbott's Lecture.

Yesterday evening Dr. Lyman Abbott lectured in Brooks House on the Principles of "True Democracy." He treated democracy as a spirit and not as a form of government. The essence of that spirit, he showed, is that the world and life are divinely intended for the whole human race and not for a favored few. This involves the principle that government shall be for the benefit of the governed. This fact is illustrated by the negro problem in the south and the colonial question in the Phillippines.

Wealth is a common wealth to be administered for the benefit of all, and by that principle all compensations of capital should be tested. Democracy does not demand that there shall be no combinations of capital, but that they shall be controlled by and in the interest of the nation, representing all the people.

Democracy involves education, not of a few scholars, but of all the people, and the us of scholarship by the few as leaders, for the benefit of all the people.
