

Tournament to be Held in New York in the Vacation.--Schedule of Matches.

The tenth annual intercollegiate chess tournament, between Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia will be held during the Christmas vacation at the Columbia Grammar School, 34 and 36 East 51 street, New York. Play will begin on Thursday, December 26, at 1 o'clock. Fifty cents admission will be charged, and tickets good for six entrances, will be put on sale at the door for $2.00 apiece.

The schedule has been arranged as follows:

Thursday, December 26--Columbia vs. Yale, Harvard vs. Princeton.

Friday, December 27--Columbia vs. Princeton, Harvard vs. Yale.

Saturday, December 28--Columbia vs. Harvard, Yale vs. Princeton.


The teams are made up in the following order:

Harvard--C. T. Rice 1G., G. E. Hyde '04, W. Catchings 1L., L. P. Carr '04; substitutes, R. A. Blakemore '04, P. W. Bridgman '04.

Columbia--F. H. Sewall '02, H. A. Keeler '03, B. R. VonSholly '03, G. W. Tucker '05; substitutes, R. C. Schrodder '03, G. A. Ellis '04.

Yale--J. F. Sawin '04, E. B. Adams '04, C. A. Roberts '02, H. C. Russ '02; substitutes, C. H. Owen '02, C. C. Russ '02.

Princeton--J. B. Hunt '02, J. H. Hankinson '03, A. J. Pilgram '02, J. H. Dodd '02; substitute, R. Ely '02.

The drawings are as follows:

Thursday--Keeler, C. vs. Adams, Y.; Sewall, C. vs. Sawin, Y.; Tucker, C. vs. Russ, Y.; VonSholly, C. vs. Roberts, Y.; Rice, H. vs. Hunt, P.; Hyde, H. vs. Hankinson, P.; Catchings, H. vs. Pilgram, P.; Carr, H. vs. Dodd, P.

Friday--Hunt, P. vs. Sewall, C.; Hankinson, P. vs. Keeler, C.; Pilgram, P. vs. VonScholly, C.; Dodd, P. vs. Tucker, C.; Rice, H. vs. Sawin, Y.; Catchings, H. vs. Roberts, Y.; Hyde, H. vs. Adams, Y.; Carr, H. vs. Russ, Y.

Saturday--Keeler, C. vs. Hyde H.; Sewall, C. vs. Rice, H.; VonScholly, C. vs. Catchings, H.; Tucker, C. vs. Carr, H.; Sawin, Y. vs. Hunt, P.; Adams, Y. vs. Hankinson, P.; Russ, Y. vs. Dodd, P.; Roberts, Y. vs. Pilgram, P.

E. A. Casewell, the founder of the intercollegiate tournament, has been appointed manager of the tournament and Dr. L. D. Broughton, secretary of the New York State Chess Association, will serve as director.

The summary of the previous tournaments is as follows:   H.  Y.  C.  P. 1893  7  5  8 1/2  3 1/2 1894  9  6  3  6 1895  8 1/2  3 1/2  8  4 1896  10  4  4 1/2  5 1/2 1897  10  4 1/2  6 1/2  3 1898  10  2 1/2  8 1/2  3 1899  9  5  8 1/2  1 1/2 1900  6  3 1/2  8 1/2  6
