

Winners of Prizes and Deturs, and of First and Second Group Scholarships.

Following is a complete list of the winners of academic prizes and detnrs, and of the holders of scholarships of the first and second groups for the year 1900-01:

Bowdoin Prizes.


George John Blewett, Ph.D., The Prize for Graduates.

Robert Montraville Green '02, First Prize for Undergraduates.


Gilbert Holland Montague '01, Second Prize for Undergraduates.


Francis Webster Doherty, The Prize for Graduates, Latin Prose.

Alexander Hamilton Rice '01, Latin Prose.

Boylston Prizes for Elocution.


William Dudley Carleton '01.

Philip Wingate Thomson '02.


Isador Grossman '02.

John Haynes Holmes '02.

Archibald Ellsworth Minard '01.

Pasteur Medal.

(Awarded to the most effective speaker in the final interclass debate upon a subject taken from contemporary French politics).

Peter Harden Eley '01.

Coolidge Debating Prize.

(Awarded to the most effective speaker at each set of trials to select a team to debate with Yale or with Princeton).

Roscoe Conkling Bruce '02.

Henry Porter Chandler '01.

Sales Prize.

(For excellence in Spanish composition).

Arthur Eldredge Goddard '02.

Ricardo Prize Scholarship.

(For advanced students in political Economy).

Roland Greene Usher '01.

Philip Washburn Prize.

(For the best thesis on a historical subject presented by a successful candidate for honors in history).

Michael Joseph Kling '01.

Summer Prize.

(For a theis on a subject connected with the topic of universal peace).

Isador Grossman '02.

Bennett Prize.

(For an essay on some subject in American governmental policy of contemporaneous interest).

Robert Eliot Goodwin '01.

Second-Year Honors in Classics.

Hermann Theodor Fick '02.

Henry Rozalvin Gardner '03.

Howard Clark Hoyt '02.

Clinton Cyrus Scheffy '03.


Cecil Thayer Derry '03.

Dean Putnam Lockwood '03.

Second-Year Honors in Mathematics.

Kenneth Bales Emerson '02.

Clarence Whitman Hobbs, Jr., '02.


Elijah Swift '03.

Final Honors in Classics.

Laurence Hayward.

Final Honors in Philosophy.

William Ernest Hocking.

Gordon Ireland.

Erich Cramer Stern.

Final Honors in History.


Sanford Henry Eisner Freund.

Final Honors in Political Sciences.

Michael Joseph Kling.

Daniel James Murphy.


Gilbert Holland Montague.

Thomas Harry Reed.

Final Honors in Chemistry.

Augustus Henry Fiske.

Roger Clark Wells.


(Deturs are books, purchased with the income of a fund left by Edward Hopkins, born in 1600, which are awarded to those whose names appear for the first time in the list of scholars of the first group).

CLASS OF 1902.

Edwin DeTurck Bechtel.

Alfred Munson Butler.

Merrill Edwin Champion.

Arthur Stone Dewing.

Venice John Lamb.

George Randall Lewis.

David Reuben Radovsky.

Frederick William Russe.

CLASS OF 1903.

Elmer Elbert Craig.

Cecil Thayer Derry.

Joseph Isaac Gorfinkla.

Granville Johnson.

George Bartlett Laubenstein.

Herbert Thomas Poland.

George Stanley Stevenson.

Clifford Hall Walker.

CLASS OF 1904.

Edward Solan Bryant.

Francis Howard Fabes.

William Withington Gallagher.

Guerdon Stearns Holden.

Augustus Locke.

Ross Watt Lynn.

Chandler Rathion Rost.

Roy Smith Wallace.

Scholars of the First Group, 1901-02.

(John Harvard Scholarships, without income, are awarded to those who, not having applied for other scholarships are deemed worthy of a position in the first group).

Scholars of the Second Group, 1901-02.

(Harvard College Scholarships, without income, are awarded to those who, not having applied for other scholarships, are deemed worthy of a position in the second group). J. M. Adams '03,  Price Greenleaf. E. DeT. Bechtel '02,  Price Greenleaf. E. S. Bryant '04,  Farrar. A. M. Butler '02,  John Harvard. M. E. Champion '02,  Bowditch. W. H. Claflin '02,  Ruluff Sterling Choate. E. E. Craig '03,  John Harvard. A. M. Dame '02,  Bowditch. C. T. Derry '03,  William Samuel Eliot. A. S. Dewing '02,  Matthews. R. Ernst '03,  John Harvard. J. A. Field '06,  John Harvard. F. H. Fobes '02,  John Harvard. G. S. Forbes '02,  Price Greenleaf. W. W. Gallagher '04,  Bowditch. A. E. Goddard '02,  Price Greenleaf. J. I. Gorfinkle '03,  Bowditch. R. M. Green '02,  John Harvard. G. C. Hirst '02, Richard Augustine Gambrill,  Palfrey Exhibition. G. S. Holden '04,  John Harvard. J. H. Holmes '02,  John Harvard. G. Johnson '03,  John Harvard. V. J. Lamb '02,  Price Greenleaf. G. B. Laubenstain '03,  John Harvard. G. R. Lewis '02,  Price Greenleaf. A. Lonke '04,  Class of 1802. D. P. Lockwood '03,  Price Greenleaf. R. W. Lynn '04,  Jacob Wendell. R. W. Magrane '04,  Dana Class of 1852. E. M. Morgan, Jr., '02,  Class of 1856. A. S. Pease '02,  Price Greenleaf. H. T. Poland '03,  Bowditch. C. R. Post '04,  John Harvard. D. R. Radovsky '02,  Bowditch. A. L. Richards '03,  Price Greenleaf. F. W. Russe '02,  John Harvard. G. S. Stevenson '03,  Price Greenleaf. E. Swift '03,  Bartlett. C. H. Walker '04,  Bowditch. R. S. Wallace '04,  Bowditch. R. G. Wellinton '02,  John Harvard.

J. H. Abraham '02,  Harvard College. G. P. Adams '04,  Bowditch. R. R. Alexander '04,  Abbot. H. H. Atwood '03,  Harvard College. D. A. Baldwin '03,  Crowninshield. A. A. Ballantine '04,  Class of 1841. C. Barnes '04,  Harvard College. D. C. Barnes '02,  Harvard College. C. N. Baxter '02,  Class of 1828. A. S. Beatman '03,  Sewall. S. Blaikie '03,  Bowditch. A. Blanchard '02,  Harvard College. E. Boardman '04,  Bowditch. P. W. Bridgman '04,  Benjamin D. Greene. H. M. Bruce '02,  Harvard College. R. C. Bruce '02,  Hodges, Wendell Phillips Memorial. H. W. Bynner '02,  Harvard College. A. A. Capotosto '03,  Harvard College. H. A. Carlton '02,  Harvard College. R. Christenson '02,  George Emerson Lowell. F. A. Chudoba '04,  Bright. W. E. Clark '03,  Bowditch. L. J. Cook '02,  Harvard College. C. G. Copeland '03,  Rebecca A. Perkins. W. M. Crane '02,  Harvard College. F. S. Darrow '03,  Harvard College. A. Durant '02,  Harvard College. G. A. England '02,  Matthews. H. T. Fick '02,  Bowditch. S. D. France '02,  Bowditch. E. E. Franchot '02,  Harvard College. G. S. Franklin '02,  Harvard College. A. Friedman '02,  Harvard College. D. D. Garcelon '02,  Morey Willard Buckminister. C. W. Gilkey '03,  Burr. J. W. Goldthwait '02,  Bowditch. L. L. Green, '02,  Harvard College. E. M. Greene '03,  Walcott. R. F. Greene '04,  Bowditch. I. Grossman '02,  Harvard College. M. E. Grush '03,  Burr. F. I. Haber '03,  Harvard College. M. Hale '03,  Harvard College. C. Ham '03,  Hilton. W. P. Harman '04,  Story. J. A. Harwood '02,  Harvard College. G. I. Hayes '02,  Bright. R. T. Henshaw '04,  Harvard College. C. W. Hobbs, Jr., '02,  Harvard College. J. P. Hogan '03,  Harvard College. F. B. Holmes '03,  Burr. J. B. Horne '04,  Slade. H. C. Hoyt '02,  Harvard College. F. M. Hubbard '04,  Class of 1835. C. P. Huse '04,  Bigelow. A. J. Jones '02,  Julius Dexter. P. H. Kelsey '02,  Henry Bromfield Rogers. R. H. Keniston '04,  Class of 1883. W. C. Keough '04,  Kirkland. A. Klock '02,  Harvard College. C. E. Lakeman '04,  Bassett. R. I. Lee '02,  Harvard College. E. H. Letchworth '02,  Harvard College. E. R. McCarthy '04,  Saltonstall. J. A. McGilvrey '03,  Sewall W. A. McLaughlin '03,  Bassett. J. J. Mahoney '03,  Burr. H. L. Marshall '02,  Bassett. W. H. Mearns '02,  Orland W. Doe. T. Michelson '02,  Harvard College. A. Morrison '02,  Harvard College. H. H. Noyes '04,  Bowditch. J. G. Patterson '03,  Burr. M. F. Perkins '04,  Harvard College. J. M. Sawyer '02,  Harvard College. C. C. Scheffy '03,  Bright. C. H. Scovell '03,  Bowditch. G. Seeligson, Jr., '02,  Harvard College. W. J. Shepard '02,  Bowditch. H. O. Smith '03,  Burr. K. K. Smith '04,  Harvard College. G. O. Suppes '03,  Harvard College. E. H. Stone '02,  Harvard College. W. E. Thompson '03,  Bowditch. H. C. Thorndike '02,  Harvard College. S. Thurman '03,  Warren H. Cudworth. D. Tyng '02,  Matthews. A. P. Usher '04,  Harvard College. S. A. Welldon '04,  Sales. A. C. White '02,  Harvard College. W. S. Whittemore '04,  Harvard College. M. W. Wolff '04,  William Merrick. H. O. Wood '02,  Class of 1814. C. E. Young '02,  Sales.
