
Lecture by Mr. Riis Tonight.

Mr. Jacob A. Riis of New York will lecture this evening in Sanders Theatre at 8.15 on "What Mr. Low Can Do in New York." The lecture, which will be illustrated by stereopticon views, is given under the auspices of the Social Service Committee for the benefit of its philanthropic work. Tickets, at 50 cents each, are on sale at Herrick's, Sever's and the Union. The time is set at 8.15 so that all may attend the Pierian Concert at the Union earlier in the evening.

Mr. Riis is well fitted to lecture on the social conditions of New York as he has spent over ten years as police reporter for the New York Sun. He has been very active in bringing about the small park system; and the improvements among the tenement houses and schools in New York are largely due to his efforts.
