
Hockey Team.

About forty men came out for hockey practice yesterday afternoon on Spy Pond. Two teams were made up which played against each other for about an hour and a half. The ice was in very good condition.

The following men have sent in their names, as candidates for the team:

Forwards--F. Burgess '02, E. B. Chaffee '02, A. G. McAvity '03, H. R. Ward '03, T. I. Robinson '04, C. Vose '04, A. Wait '04, L. A. Cooper '05, H. C. Egan '05, B. S. Prentice '05, J. O. Safford '05, E. L. Smith '05, D. Wagstaff '05. Backs--J. E. O'Connell '02, C. R. Stevenson '02, B. S. Litchfield '03, J. B. Manning '03, D. P. Penhallow '03, W. J. Clothier '04, C. K. Rockwell '04, G. Stevenson '05, L. J. Kendall '05, R. E. Sard '05, J. Palmer '05, G. A. Rice '05, W. M. Tilden '05.

The hockey rink on Holmes Field is now complete with the exception of the railing to be built about it. The rink should be ready for use by the end of the week.
