Bulletins of the Pennsylvania game will be received at the Union this afternoon. A score-board has been placed in the Living Room on which all the details of the game will be telegraphically recorded. The board consists of a miniature football field with every 5 yard line marked off; and a moveable ball will be used so that the exact location of every play may be determined. Below this is a board like the one that is now used at Soldiers Field, showing the number of downs, the number of yards to gain, and who is in possession of the ball. Announcements will also be made as often as possible of the names of the men carrying the ball, and by whom they are tackled. A small band has been engaged for the occasion, and the usual songs will be rehearsed. The glee club will also sing some selections. The Union will be open only to members and to guests who have not been introduced during the past month. The CRIMSON has arranged to print an extra issue after the game this afternoon, giving detailed accounts of the play. Copies will be on sale immediately after the game at the office of the Union, the CRIMSON office, Thurston's, Amee's, Memorial, Randall, and on the street. Newsboys have also been engaged to carry them throughout the dormitories. The extra will be four pages in length and will cost five cents.
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