We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed. Every communication must be accompanied by the name of the writer.
To the Editors of the Crimson:
In common, I suppose, with other members of the Graduate Athletic Association, I have received an "Application blank for the Yale-Harvard football game ... to be used only by the Athletic Association of Harvard Graduates." Since this application is directed to the secretary of the Graduate Association, and asks him to send tickets "to be assigned to me by lot," any recipient might naturally take it as I did, that this application called for some special privilege. Inquiry in the proper quarters, however, brings out the information that there is absolutely no preference to members of the Athletic Association of Harvard Graduates over other alumni. I think it would have avoided some misapprehension if the circular had distinctly stated that the secretary of the Association acted only as an intermediary in forwarding applications to the football management, and had no influence or function in assigning or distributing tickets. GRADUATE.
[As the writer says, no preference is given to members of the Athletic Association of Harvard Graduates over other alumni.--ED.]
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