

Forty Minutes of Secret Practice Yesterday.--Men in Good Condition.

The University eleven went through 40 minutes of secret practice yesterday afternoon, before leaving for Philadelphia. The first part of the practice was spent in light work to limber up the players. The team then went through about 20 minutes of signal practice. This practice was snappy and the plays were run off smoothly.

The team left the square at 4.10 in a special car. Several hundred students, led by B. Wendell '02, cheered the team upon its departure. The team went by the Fall River Line to New York, and will reach Philadelphia this morning. This afternoon they will practice on Franklin Field. The men are in good condition and the coaches feel confident of winning the game with Pennsylvania. Kernan is in shape to play Saturday if needed. Roberts has hurt his knee and will not be able to play, so Sugden has been taken to Philadelphia as substitute center.

The line-up of the first eleven in the signal practice was as follows: r.e., Bowditch; r.t., Cutts; r.g., Barnard; c., Sargent; l.g., Lee; l.t., Blagden; l.e., Campbell; q.b., Marshall; r.h.b., Ristine; l.h.b., Putnam; f.b., Graydon.
