
Magazine Articles by Harvard Men.

A number of interesting articles by Harvard men appear in the November magazines. "The International Monthly" prints the concluding chapters of Professor Munsterberg's "American Democracy," and an article by Dean Shaler on "The Future of the Gold Supply." President Roosevelt's article, "With the Congar Hounds," and the seventh chapter of "Russia of Today," by Henry Norman '81, in Scribner's, "Reminiscences of a Dramatic Critic" by H. A. Clapp '60 and "The Solitude of Nathaniel Hawthorne" by P. F. More '93, in the "Atlantic"--are especially interesting articles.

"The Forum" contains an excellent article, by Price Collier '82 on "Ethics of Ancient and Modern Athletics." The writer begins with a very brief sketch of the origin and nature of our "modern system of athletic sports," which was introduced about 1812 by the Military College at Sandhurst, England, and compares the old Greek athletics,--their rules, methods and manners--with our own. Then follow several descriptions of ancient athletic contests as they have been recorded by Virgil--the boat races, the foot races, the wrestling contests, the sparring match and the archery contest of Anchises' funeral games. With these pictures of the Roman games and their standards of competition are contrasted descriptions of our modern college athletics and the contrast, as Mr. Collier draws it, is certainly unfavorable to the ancients. The article is worth reading to anyone who wishes to learn a little of the ancient methods of conducting athletic games.

The detailed list of the articles by Harvard men in the leading November magazines follows:

Scribner's: "With the Cougar Hounds," second paper, by Theodore Roosevelt '80; "Russia of Today--VII, Russia and the Nations," by Henry Norman M. P. '81.

Harper's: "Editor's Easy Chair," by W. D. Howells h. '67.


Popular Science Monthly: "The Story of Cahow," by Professor A. E. Verrill '62; "The Evolution of the Human Intellect," by Professor E. L. Thorndike '96; "The Origin of Sex in Plants," by Dr. Bradley Moore Davis '93.

Atlantic: "The Solitude of Nathaniel Hawthorne" by P. E. More '93: "The Mississippi Valley Organized," by James L. Hosmer '55; "Reminiscences of a Dramatic Critic," by Henry Austin Clapp '60; "Modern Murder Trials and Newspapers," by Charles E. Grinnell '62.

Century: "Some Personal Characteristics of President McKinley," by John D. Long '57.

Forum: "Ethics of Ancient and Modern Athletics," by Price Collier '82; "The Small College and the Large," by President C. F. Thwing '76.

International Monthly: "American Democracy" (concluded) by Professor Hugo Munsterberg; "The Future of the Gold Supply," by Dean N. S. Shaler '62.

Outing: "English and American Rugby," by John Corbin '92; "The Day He Made the 'Varsity Eleven," by E. B. Bloss '94.

North American Review: "Ethical Functions of Football," by President C. F. Thwing '76; "An Italian View of Humor," by W. D. Howells h. '67.

Review of Reviews: "The Last Phase of the Philippine War," by Captain John H. Parker '93.
