
Statistics of Football Games.

The following facts have been ascertained from accounts of the games played by the Harvard football team this fall: In the 12 regular games, Harvard gained 4977 yards, of which 869 yards were made on running back punts and kick-offs. The opposing teams succeeded in advancing 372 yards by actual rushing and 191 yards by running in kicks. Harvard made 43 touchdowns, kicked 29 goals from touchdowns and 2 goals from the field, making a total of 254 points. There were scored against Harvard 24 points, 4 touchdowns and goals, two of which resulted from fumbles and 2 from blocked kicks near the goal line. Fumbling was the greatest fault of the team throughout the season, as the ball was lost on this account 25 times, often within a few yards of a touchdown. Harvard lost the ball 9 times for holding or offside play and 12 times on downs. Harvard secured the ball on downs 10 times and forced opponents to kick 26 times. Harvard was forced to punt only 5 times. Harvard broke through the line and blocked 12 kicks, securing the ball every time but twice. Only 4 kicks were blocked by the opposing teams. The total of actual playing time amounted to 472 minutes, or nearly 8 hours.
