

Meeting at the Union.--Parade and Bonfire on Holmes Field.

There will be a double celebration of the football victory this evening at the Union and on Holmes Field. Extensive preparations are being made for the affair. Kanrich's Band has been secured for the occasion and there will be a torchlight parade, together with a bonfire and a display of fireworks.

This being the regular Union night, it has been decided to combine the indoor programme with the open-air celebration. Promptly at 7 at the Union the band will begin to play and there will be short speeches by Major Higginson, Colonel Hallowell, Coach Reid and Captain Campbell.

At 8 o'clock the procession will form by classes in front of the Union on Quincy street. The band will lead the procession and will be followed by the eleven in a barge drawn by members of the University. The classes will follow, each man bearing a torch. The line of march will be up Massachusetts avenue through the square and out by the Law School to Holmes Field.

The big bonfire will be lighted as the procession enters the field and the fire-works will be started.
