
Princeton Wins School.

Princeton won the intercollegiate shoot at the Riverside grounds on Saturday with a score of 204 out of a possible 250. Harvard was a close second with 202, Yale third with 198 and Pennsylvania last with 190. The shoot was unusually well contested and the scores were much above the average for intercollegiate matches. The cup for the best individual score was won by Colson of Harvard, who broke 46 out of a possible 50 birds. The scores were as follows:

Princeton--Archer, 43; Frost, 40; McMillian, 45; Laughlin, 40; Spear, 36. Total, 204.

Harvard--Hilliard, 44; Colson 46; Bancroft, 41; duPont, 37; Phelps, 34. Total, 202.

Yale--Brown, 43; Kueon, 45; Franchot, 35; DuPuy, 42; Barnes, 33. Total, 198.

Pennsylvania--Weaver, 37; Parrish, 40; Landon, 42; Adams, 36; Vaughn, 35. Total, 190.
