

Brown Not as Strong as Last Year.--First Eleven Scores Once in Practice.

Harvard will play Brown on Soldiers' Field at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Last year Harvard defeated Brown by a score of 11 to 6. This year the Brown team is not as strong as it was last year, the men being light and inexperienced. Only two of last year's team play this year, Slocum, quarterback, and Bates, fullback and captain. On the other hand the Harvard team is not as far along in its development as when it played Brown last year. This may, perhaps, affect the result of today's game; but Harvard should have no difficulty in defeating Brown by a safe margin. Brown's record this year is as follows: Brown 12, Boston College 0; Brown 16, Colby 0; Brown 0, Syracuse 20; Brown 6, Manhattan 5; Brown 0 Pennsylvania 26; Brown 0, Princeton 35; Brown 6, Holy Cross 6.

The line-up HARVARD.  BROWN. Bowditch, r.e.  l.e. Cann Cutts, Burgess, r.t.  l.t., Webb Barnard, r.g.  l.g., Fleming Roberts, Sargent, c.  c., Colter Lee, l.g.  r.g., Johnson O'Connell, l.t.  r.t., Savage Campbell, l.e  r.e., Abbott Marshall, Matthews, q.b.,  q.b., Scudder Jones, Devens, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Dennico Kernan, Putnam, l.h.b.  r.h.b, Hatch Graydon, Mifflin, f.b.  f.b., Bates

The practice yesterday was snappy and the first eleven showed some improvement, but the second was again able to hold for downs. The ends and backs went through about 5 minutes of signal practice and were coached by Reid and Dibblee. In the preliminary practice Mifflin showed up well in his punting, and is now doing as well as Kernan in this respect.

In the line-up the men on the second showed up well. Frantz was tried at tackel and for the short time he has been out, was fairly effective. Force showed up well against Barnard and King broke up many plays through centre. Switzer, by his defensive work, prevented the first eleven from gaining through the line. Lee played poorly, charging slowly and playing too high.

In the line-up which lasted 10 minutes, the first eleven was able to score one touchdown, Mifflin carrying the ball over on a 70 yard run, aided by Marshall's excellent interference.
