
HARVARD 05, 35; YALE '05, 6.

Harvard Shows Good Team Work and is Superior in all Respects.

The Freshman eleven defeated the Yale Freshmen on Saturday by a score of 35 to 6. Yale was clearly outplayed, and, except in the first half during the series of rushes which ended in Hinkle's 38 yard run for a touchdown, Yale never had the ball inside Harvard's fifty yard line. Harvard's team work was excellent, and the men played with commendable vigor and dash. During the entire game, Yale was able to gain a total of only about 150 yards, mostly on Hinkle's long end runs, while Harvard rushed the ball for more than 400 yards without a fumble. In punting, Harvard averaged 33 yards, almost 10 yards more than Yale. Yale was continually forced to punt, three times, however, losing the ball on downs. Harvard's great development during the past week showed very plainly. The backs started quickly and had the benefit of excellent interference. The line was so strong that even after the Yale backs had gained several yards they were frequently thrown back for a loss. The team played very consistently throughout both halves, scoring 17 points in the first and 18 in the second.

Kidder for his kicking. Mills, Hurley, Leatherbee, Sard and Randall, for their ground gaining and Elkins for his generalship and alert playing, were especially prominent in the game; but every man on the team exhibited on admirable spirit and all equally deserve the credit of winning.

For Yale Hinkle and McClintock did some excellent individual work, Hinkle by his brilliant end runs and McClintock by reliable and hard tackling at end.

In the first half Yale received the ball on the kick-off, but could not gain. After four minutes of play Leatherbee blocked White's attempt to punt and secured the ball on Yale's 15 yard line. Four rushes by the tackle-back formation brought the ball down to Yale's 5 yard line, and then Mills carried it over. Harvard's second touchdown was made nine minutes afterward, when Yale fumbled a punt on the 10 yard line, and Mills on the second play was pushed over the goal line. After the next kick-off Harvard seemed to relax, while Yale played fast and brilliant football. White broke through the line for 20 yards, then Hinkle made a 38 yard run around right end for Yale's only touchdown. After the next kick-off Harvard finally worked the ball down to Yale's 1 yard line, where Yale held for downs. Toward the end of the half Kidder kicked an excellent goal from the field after Hurley's fair catch at 25 the yard line.

In the second half the play was made interesting by brilliant end runs. Harvard's first touchdown was made by Mills on a 30 yard run after Sard's 30 yard gain and plunges by Leatherbee had carried the ball within striking distance. After the kick-off Hurley ran around the end for 35 yards and Randall made the touchdown on the next play. The last touchdown was made in four plays. Randall ran 20 yards around right end and Hurley made 42 around the other end. Randall gained 10 yards and then Hurley plunged over the line for a touchdown. The game was called soon afterward.


The line-up: HARVARD 1905.  YALE 1905. Gately, l.e.  r.e., McClintock Oveson, l.t.  r.t., Coonley Kidder, l.g.  r.g., Weekes Derby, c.  c., Turner Chase, r.g.  l.g., Bettes Mills, r.t.  l.t., Bissell Crocker, r.e.  l.e., Neal Elkins, q.b.  q.b., Tilney Sard, Randall, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Farmer Hurley, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Hinkle Leatherbee, f.b.  White, Owsley

Score--Harvard 1905, 35; Yale 1905; 6. Touchdowns--Mills 3, Randall 1, Hurley 1, Hinkle 1. Goals from touchdowns--Kidder 5, Tilney 1. Goal from placement--Kidder. Umpire--DeL. E. Mook. Referee--H. L. Dadmun. Timekeeper--John Graham. Linesmen -- G. Edson, Harvard, and B. Hughes, Yale. Time--35 minute halves.
