Yesterday afternoon all the upperclass football teams played practice games. The playing is improving, and there is less fumbling, but very little team work has been developed.
The Seniors, after signal practice and line-ups with the scrub, played a short game with the second Freshman eleven and went through them almost at will. They outweighed the Freshmen about ten pounds to a man, and at no time allowed the Freshmen to make any gains through the line. The Senior formations got started quickly, and the interference on end plays showed much improvement. There was some fumbling, but the signals were well understood, and the plays were run off with snap and dash.
The Juniors played a long half with the Freshman team. They were clearly outplayed and would have been beaten but for the fumbles of the Freshmen at critical times. The runner almost always got away from his interference and was forced back while the interference itself broke through the Freshman line successfully. In the last play of the game the Juniors got around the Freshman right end and ran fifty yards for a touchdown. Before this, the Freshmen by steady line bucking and end plays worked the ball the length of the field and were held for downs on the Juniors' 5 yard line. The tackling was poor and the men failed to keep their feet when hitting the line.
The Sophomores practiced catching and running back punts, showing much improvement. Later they lined up against the Law School team and were badly beaten. The playing on both sides was very ragged, and the men were continually off-side. The Law School team was much heavier, but lacked team work, and the interference was constantly in the way of the runner. The Sophomores anticipated their signals and consequently there was a great deal of fumbling. Most of the gains were made around the Sophomore ends, as they played in too close and were always boxed.
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