
Warning Against Sale of Yale Game Tickets.

Before tickets for the Yale game are sent out to applicants, I wish to notify each undergraduate applicant that he is responsible for the tickets allotted him. Any tickets which, for personal reasons, cannot be used may be returned and will be accepted at face value, if received at the office of the Athletic Association before November 21, noon.

Several ticket agencies in Boston are sending postals to different undergraduates offering a premium for tickets. It is sincerely hoped no notice will be taken of these postals. Several other men have canvassed certain dormitories in order to procure the right to use undergraduates' application blanks by paying a certain amount for each application.

It should be a matter of honor that no tickets allowed to a Harvard undergradute be found in the hands of speculators. The Harvard sections are for the exclusive use of Harvard men and their friends, and in order to prevent any violation of the above rule, the management hereby gives notice that it will print the names of those whose seats are found in the hands of speculators. The row, section and number of each application is kept on file at the office.
