Mr. Henry B. Wright, general secretary of the Yale Y. M. C. A., will speak at the Harvard Christian Association meeting in Brooks House this evening on "Bible study for college men." After the meeting the regular Bible classes of the Association will organize for the year.
This meeting, and the Bible classes which will be started, are open to all men in the University. The Freshman class, led by G. E. Huggins '01, will deal with the life of Christ, covering its events in their logical sequence as described in the four Gospels. The Sophomore course, led by H. C. Robbins, Yale '98, will take up the life of St. Paul. The letters of St. Paul will be studied in their historical connection with the acts of the Apostles and with the growth and development of the early church. W. E. Dowty, Jr., '97, will lead the course for Juniors in "Old Testament Characters." The Juniors will study the biographies of the leading characters in Hebrew history. A Senior course in "The Teachings of Jesus and His Apostles," designed for upper-classmen and graduates, will be held with more detail than either the Freshmen or Sophomore classes. The leader for this course has not yet been chosen. These classes will meet once a week, on a night to be announced later.
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