
Baseball Notice.

Changes have been made in the fall practice schedule which will go into effect today.

The following men report Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 2: Coburn, Hamlin, Fischel, Greenough, Bennett, Dever, Battelle, Movius, Lovering, Colby, Hall, Frothingham, Clarkson, Bartlett, E. W. Leonard, Murphy, Campbell, Krumbhaar, Coleman, Ladd, Carpenter. The following at 3.15; G. M. Leonard, Wales, Rothermal, Randall, Barnard, N. G. Fox, Cleworth, Story, Sears, Parsons, Viaux, Greeley, Tuckerman, Hamlin, McGirr, Thomas, Taylor, Leary, Carr, Mulliken, Black, Pier, Appleton. The following Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 2: Estabrook, Nye, Skilton, Wood, K. Smith, Berry, Barnett, Buffum, Souther, Sanger, McCall, Cutter, Stillman, E. L. Smith, Kernan, Gilles, Cary, Rosenberg, Safford, Reun. The following at 3.15: Alexander, Mason, Persons, Smidt, Sawyer, Sheldon, Loomis, Pieper, Auten, Blakemore, Proal, Eby, Manning, Hinckley, Cunningham, Adler, Wilkins, Rathburn, O. G. Fox.

Men must report on time or they will be dropped from the fall practice.
