
Fact and Rumor.

At a meeting held yesterday evening, C. Platt 3rd was elected captain of the Senior class football team, and S. H. Sailton, Jr., of the Sophomore team.

At the trials for the Pierian Sodality Chorus last night, three men were retained; J. W. Hewitt 3G., first tenor, W. B. Sprague '02 and G. H. Fernald '03, second tenors.

The following men are now at the Freshman football training table: Crocker, Bunging Eikins, Derby, Oveson, Randall, Harrison, Leatherbee, Chase Hurley, Kidder.

The following committees have been elected by the Harvard Yacnt Club: Election committee, H. Burgess '02, L. Davis '04, J. L. Peabody '03; regatta committee, B. Covel '02, H. E. Mason '03.

A team from the Harvard fencing squad, composed of H. W. Holmes '03, T. D. Roberts '03, and R. M. Henderson '03, will go an to the Boston Athletic Association this evening, to fence with a B. A. A. team.


The Semitic Department has lately purchased a valuable collection of Semitic manuscripts from Quaritch, the London dealer. The collection consists of about twenty manuscripts, some of which are over five hundred years old. The precise periods from which they date cannot be stated, as they have not as yet been thoroughly investigated.
