

Linemen Play Well.--Work Marred by Errors.

Harvard defeated Bowdoin yesterday by the score of 12 to 0. Bowdoin proved unexpectedly strong and Harvard could score only by repeated small gains through the line. These gains were mostly due to individual efforts rather than to any team work. The backs as a rule were unable to make many gains by end runs, but gained well by plays outside of tackle, and also took advantage of the openings in the line. There was far too much fumbling and uncertainty in holding on to the ball. The interference did not form well and was quickly broken up or went to pieces of its own accord.

In spite of the poor team play, there was much excellent individual playing. The linemen played aggressively, opening up good holes for the backs, and breaking up plays well on the defense. At end Bowditch did not play up to his usual form. Campbell played a hard game and tackled several times for a loss. Meter at fullback took advantage of the openings and hit the line low and hard.

Bowdoin kicked off to Graydon, who, without interference, ran the kick back 50 yards. After short gains through the line by Meier aud Derby, Piper made 10 yards. Harvard lost ground on a poor pass, and was held for downs. Bowdoin immediately lost the ball on a fumble. Meier gained through the line, and on the next play Derby went around left end for a touchdown. Campbell kicked goal.

On the next kick-off, Bowditch ran the ball back 15 yards. Piper gained 8 yards through left tackle. Successive gains by Meier through holes made by Barnard and Hovey brought the ball well up into Bowdoin's territory, where Bowdoin secured the ball on downs. For four successive times Bowdoin made the necessary five yards, chiefly through work by Hunt, Bowdoin's right halfback. The gains were made between left end and tackle. On the next play Campbell tackled for a loss of five yards, and Bowdoin was forced to kick. Piper and Baldwin fumbled the punt. Time was called without any further scoring.

Harvard kicked off in the next half and Bowdoin ran the ball back 20 yards. Bowdoin failed to gain and punted to Noyes, who advanced but a yard or two. Successive gains by Noyes, Boyd, Jones and Swann brought the ball to Bowdoin's two yard line and Swann carried it over. Campbell kicked goal.


On the next kick-off Boyd gained 25 yards, but when tackled dropped the ball, Bowdoin securing it. Bowdoin failed to gain and punted. On the next play Boyd punted, and on Bowdoin's fumble Campbell fell on the ball. Gains by Swann brought the ball to Bowdoin's 25 yard line, when time was called.

The line-up: HARVARD.  BOWDOIN. Bowditch, Burgess, r.e.  l.e., Fogg Lawrence, Jones, r.t.  l.t., Soule Barnard, r.g.  l.g., Shaw Sargent, Sugden, c.  c., Philoon Hovey, l.g.  r.g., Davis Graydon, Eaton, l.t.  r.t., Hamilton Campbell, Hutchinson, l.e.  r.e., Kelley Baldwin, q.b.  q.b., Perkins Piper, Jones, Swann, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Monroe Derby, Noyes, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Hunt Meier, Boyd, f.b.  f.b., Wilson

Score--Harvard, 12; Bowdoin, 0. Touchdowns--Derby, Swann. Goals from touchdowns--Campbell, 2. Referee, Stanwood. Umpire, Mackay. Timekeeper, Wood, B. A. A. Linesmen, Motley of Harvard, Coffin of Bowdoin.
