
Baseball Notice.

Owing to a change in the arrangement the men are to report for practice as follows:

On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 2.45--Estabrook, McGirr, Skilton, Wood, Gilles, Berry, Barnett, Buffum, Souther, Sanger, Cutter, Stillman, Manning, E. L. Smith, Kernan, K. Smith, Sheldon, Rosenberg, Safford and Wrenn. At 3.45--Adams, McGirr, Persons, Schmidt, Sawyer, Proal, Loomis, Pieper, Auten, Blakemore, Adler, Eby, Manning, Hinckley, Cunningham, Hemenway, Wilkins, Rathburn, O. G. Fox and Sears.

On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 2.45--Coburn, Hamlen, Fischel, Murphy, Leang, Bennett, Cary, Battelle, Movius, Lovering, Frothingham, Clarkson, Bartlett, Nye, Greenough, Carr, Story, Krumbhaar, Black, Ladd. Coleman, Carpenter. At 3.45--Leonard, Wales, Hamlen, Randall, Barnard, N. G. Fox, Cleworth, Dever, Parsons, Viaux, Greeley, Tuckerman, Mason, Thomas, Taylor, Campbell, Mulliken, Pier, Appleton.

Any men, especially battery men, who can play this fall are urged to come out. Men who do not report punctually may lose their opportunity to play.
