
Tennis Tournament.

Both semi-final matches were played yesterday in the doubles of the tall tennis tournament. E. W. Leonard '03 and W. S. Warland '03 defeated A. N. Rice 1L. and H. Tappin 2L., 6-2 5-6, 6-2. Leonard and Warland took the net at the start and held it throughout the match. Their game, however, was not as steady as usual, and they lost the second set through their inability to kill many of the easy lobs given them at the net. Tappin and Rice played a strong game, but lost the match by their failure to lob over their opponents' heads.

S. H. Derby 3L. and R. W. Herrick '04 defeated F. J. Goodridge 4M., and C. A. Barrows 4M., 3-6, 6-3, 6-3. Derby and Herrick played a faster game, especially at the net, than they had done before in the tournament. Goodridge and Barrows covered the court well, but were unable to win out against their opponents' brilliant net play. Derby and Herrick had previously defeated L. E. More '03 and C. Fischel '04, 6-0, 6-1.

The final match between E. W. Leonard '03 and W. S. Warland '03 and S. H. Derby 3L. and R. W. Herrick '04 will be played this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
