

Criticism of the Graded Crews at Each Club.

The fall graded crews have now been rowing for more than two weeks, and should by this time be well together. Owing, however, to frequent changes and very little coaching during the first week, they are only just beginning to show improved form. The races will probably be held about a week before the Yale game.

At the Newell Boat Club, owing to many absences, daily changes have taken place in all the crews. This, together with Vail's absence, has been a great handicap. As a result, hanging and rushing prevail throughout all the Newell crews. The first is better together than the others and should develop power, but at present the whole dean hangs at the full reach. The second Newell does not hang as much as the first, but the men lack leg drive and a clean finish. The most marked fault of the third crew is its inability to keep the boat steady.

Fewer changes have been made at the Weld and the crews have shown marked improvement of late. The first crew controls the slides well, but lacks a good beat and leg-drive.

In the second Weld there is also a lack of dash. The third crew shows less good form than the first and second, but the boat travels with more life.

The first three crews at each club are now made up as follows:


First Newell -- Stroke, Phillips; 7, Ayer; 6, Gregg; 5, Morris; 4, Brigham; 3, Atwater; 2, Smith; bow, Welldon.

Second Newell--Stroke, Roosevelt; 7, Clark; 6, Nickerson; 5, Rainsford; 4; Seabury; 3, Bard; 2, Hunt; bow, Wolcott.

Third Newell--Stroke, Letchworth; 7, James; 6, Davie; 5, Hull; 4, Sweetzer; 3, Williams; 2, Gardiner; bow, Cook.

First Weld--Stroke, Wolcott; 7, Colby; 6, Francis; 5, Bancroft; 4, Sanger; 3, Lindsley; 2, Covel; bow, Dillingham.

Second Weld--Stroke, Macomber; 7, Maltby; 6, Bent; 5, DuBois; 4, Bleakie; 3, Peabody; 2, Gerry; bow, Farlow.

Third Weld--Stroke, Taft; 7, May; 6, Greenough; 5, Eils; 4, Piper; 3, Corbett; 2, Harrison; bow, Williams
