
Tennis Tournament.

The doubles played yesterday in the tennis tournament resulted as follows: R. Bishop 1L. and C. L. Cole 1L. defeated L. P. Frothingham '02 and C. Frothingham '02, 4 6 6-4, 8-6; L.E. More '03 and E. Fischel '04 defeated A. Stillman '03 and D. F. Downs '03, 3-6, 6-1, 6-3; W. D. Herrick 3L. and S. H. Derby 3L. defeated R. Bishop 1L. and C. L. Cole 1L., 6-4, 6-4

The following doubles will be played today:

At 2.00--More and Fischel vs. Herrick and Derby.

At 2.30--Tappin and Rice vs. Leonard and Warland.

At 3.30--Winners of More and Fischel Herrick and Derby match vs Goodridge and Barrows.
