
Tennis Finals-Today

The final match in singles of the fall tennis tournament, between E. W. Leonard '03 and R. Bishop 1L., will be played this afternoon at 2.30.

The following were the results in the doubles yesterday: E.H. George 2L. and A. Drinkwater 2L., defeated S.,L. Beals 1L. and R.K. Thorndike '02, 6-0, 7-5; A.N. Rice 1L. and H. Tappin 2L. defeated H. Thacher '04 and P. Fosdick '04, 6 3, 8 10, 6-2

The following matches of doubles will be played today:

At 12.00-Derby and Wendell vs. Warland and Leonard.

At 2.00-George and Drinkwater vs. Goodridge and Barrows.


At 2.30-Rice and Tappin vs. Penhallow and Listes, Stillman and Downs vs. Lincoln and Stittinius.

At 4-00-Bishop and Cole vs. L. Frothingham and C. Frothingham.
