
Newell Freshman Crews.

At the Newell Boat Club yesterday the Freshmen who reported for fall rowing were divided into five squads. Owing to the absence of Vail only the first squad went out. The make-up of the squads for the present is as follows:

First squad-Stroke, Webster; 7, Srockton; 6, Fish; 5, Kendall; 4, Palmers; 3, Swaim; 2, Lamson; bow, Souther; cox., Wellman.

Second squad-Stroke, Muir; 7, Whittemore; 6, Prichett; 5, Tillinghast; 4, Atherton; 3, Conger; 2, Wigglesworth; bow, Bigelow; cox., Dillon.

Third squad-Stroke, Brant; 7, Heath; 6, Moot; 5, Cunningham; 4, Weld; 3, Beebe; 2, Jackson; bow, Rice; cox., Mullen.

Fourth squad-Stroke, Coleman; 7, Baxter; 6, de Young; 5, Hichborn; 4, Titus; 3, Page; 2, Hazard; bow, Whorf.


Fifth squad-Stroke, Carleton; 7, Sheldon; 6, Koechl; 5, Lincoln; 4, Waite; 3, Bean; 2, Hemenway; bow, Shipman.

Two Freshman four-oars were also formed.
