
Tennis Tournament.

The matches played in the fall tennis tournament Saturday resulted as follows:

Singles--R. Bishop 1L. defeated E. A. Taft '04, 6-4, 6-0.

Doubles--H. Tapin 2L. and A. N. Rice 1L. defeated H. W. Kidder '04 and A. B. Taylor '04, by default; H. Thacher '04 and P. Fosdick '04 defeated V. C. Mather '03 and T. Manson '04, 6-3, 9-7; F. J. Goodridge 4M. and A. A. Barrows 4M. defeated A. T. Baker '02 and H. F. Rivers '04, 6-3, 7-5.

The following drawings have been made for today:

Singles, at 1.30--E. W. Leonard '03 vs. F. J. Sulloway '05; at 3.00--Winner of Leonard-Sulloway match vs. H. V. Greenough '05.


Doubles, at 2.00--A. Z. Gray '03 and C. Oelrichs '05 vs. A. Derby '03 and M. T. Wendell '03, E. W. Leonard '03 and W. S. Warland '03, D. P. Penhallow '03 and P. S. Estes '03 vs. W. Blagden '04 and J. A. Roche, Jr., '03; at 4.30--E. H. George 2L. and A. Drinkwater 2L. vs. H. L. Beyer 3L. and G. S. Morley 4Dv., J. A. Bramwell '04 and P. Lorillard '04 vs. F. J. Goodridge 4M. and A. A. Barrows 4M.
