This is the House of Fellowship, Binder of bonds that ne'er shall slip; Here but one word on every lip, Harvard-and Harvard alone. Here, no bar of class or creed; Here, no lines of club or breed; Here, one common cry, God-speed To every Harvard son.
Hither will come both men who've wrought, Men who've loitered, and men who've fought, Learning the broader manhood taught By genial fellowship. Here, to all the open door; Workers alike with brain and oar, Earning the cheers for a winning score, The victor's joy shall sip.
Here deeper thoughts will sometimes flow, And Harvard's Past set hearts aglow With zest to add to the valiant row Of her royal fellowship.
These oaken panels shall be the goal, The burning hope of each Harvard soul. -Far better here one's name enscroll Than on the public lip.
Here often the Fifties and Sixties will praise To new fledged classes "the good old days;" And Eighties and Nineties will meet to inspire The recreant present with old time fire. Here friends-old friends-will make their tryst And grasp once more dear comrade's fist. They'll laugh once more at the ancient jest; Retell the stories that stand Time's test. They'll dust off the score of forgotten games, Evoke old crews of the Charles and the Thames, Repeople the Delta, and Jarvis and Holmes With heroes of battles quite equal to Rome's. Revive U. 5 and calls on the Dean Compulsory prayers, and the Holly Tree Inn Quaint John of Orange, and Daniel Pratt The Class Day tree, old Holworthy chat.
Here the old tunes forever will ring, Calling up thoughts of the Yard in Spring. "Schneider" forever will lead his band, "My love at the window" will always stand. "The Dutch Companie" the best will remain, "Fair Harvard" will sound in noble refrain, The "rudder" will always be shown, in song, To that crew to which none of us care to belong. Here, deathless that hymn which years cannot stale Which evokes the warm hope of "to-something-with Yale." And the later tunes they'll warmly greet - "To the Crimson, Glory," and "Up the Street." Here thoughts will cluster of comrades dead, Of some strong, leal heart, of a noble head, Of a short, clean life that stirred one's soul, Of a full, rich life that pointed the goal.
Here grateful pride will ever renew The name of the patriot, modest and true, Whose face looks down from yon panelled wall But whose life is his best memorial.
Yea, this is the House of Fellowship Binding with bonds that ne'er shall slip. Union of work - to fight to the end; Union of heart - to strive for one's friend; Union of strength - to renounce without sigh; Union of grit - to fall without cry; Union of wisdom - to read with mind free; Union of love - to give with glee; Union of head - to make life more plain; Union of hope - to win without stain. These are the ties this House shall breed; This is its rock-foundation creed. Symbol of Harvard Loyalty, House of Good Fellowship - Welcome to thee !
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