
Training Table at Union.

The training tables for the football squad will start at the Union with breakfast this morning at 8.15. The following men will report at the tables assigned them:

First table-Baldwin, Barnard, Bowditch, Graydon, Greene, Lawrence, Matthews, Randolph, Ristine, Mifflin, Kernan, Putnam, Cutts, Devens, McMaster, Campbell.

Second table-Sargent, Robinson, Riggs, Blagden, Wright, Knowles, Motley, Meier, Derby, Swann, Daly, Roberts, Clark, Burgess, Sugden, Talmadge.

Third table-O'Connell, Rainsford, Hovey, King, Grew, Littig, F. M. Ives, Lewis, McGrew, Piper, Oveson, Mackay.

The following men will report at Young's: Boyd, Eaton, G. Jones, J. T. Jones, Dodge, Locke, R. Noyes, S.Noyes, Switzer, Thayer, Marshall, Cooper, Stone, McGlensey, Percival, Hutchinson, Fox.
