
The New Buildings.

The Pierce Building will be opened informally today with the entrance of the three courses of Engineering, 3b, 14b and 15a. Within a week Engineering 7a, 1a and 1c will also be transferred. The remaining part of the building will be put in use as soon as the flooring and wood work are finished.

Of the other buildings in construction the addition to the Peabody Museum is the most nearly finished. All the work has been done and the building will be ready for occupancy as soon as the debris has been removed. The Semitic Museum is progressing very slowly, owing to the absence of Professor Lyon in Europe.

The Architectural Building will not be completed for a month, as great care is being taken with the interior finishing and only a few men can work on it at one time.

The Stillman Infirmary will be ready for patients in two weeks. The construction has been finished, but the furniture and interior fittings have yet to be put in.
