
Fact and Rumor.

Mr. G. U. Crocker '84 entered office yesterday as treasurer of the city of Boston.

The membership of the Co-operative is now 2010, a falling off of 200 from that of this time last year.

Five hundred and thirty-nine courses are offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for the academic year 1901-02.

J. W. Farley '99 is coaching the University of Maine football team. He will return to the Law School in November.

P. B. Robinson '03 has been elected president of the Deutscher Verein in place of W. S. Gierasch '02, who has left college.


President Low of Columbia has resigned his office and Professor N. M. Butler of Columbia has been appointed his temporary successor.

In a mass meeting at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the students decided to disband the football team for the rest of the season.

Among the awards just announced by the judges of the Pan-American Exposition, honorable mention is awarded the Peabody Museum for a case of ancient Mayasbela.

The Checkers Club has elected the following officers for the year: President, E. Field '04; vice-president, E. W. Mills '02; secretary and treasurer, E. W. Merritt '04; executive committee, G. Eaton, Jr., '04, C. E. Hooper '05.
