
Fall Rowing.

No regular fall crews have yet been formed at either the Weld or the Newell clubs, but the upper class crews, at least, will probably be called out before the end of the week. The Freshmen will begin work some time next week.

In the meantime, the wherries and single shells are being used considerably at both boathouses. An eight-oared scrub crew was organized yesterday at the Weld in the following order: stroke, Wolcot; 7, Francis; 6, Covel; 5, Bancroft; 4, Maltby; 3, Ells; 2, de Rham; bow, Snow; cox., Swan.

The John Harvard was put in commission for the Metropolitan regatta on Sept. 21, and is therefore now ready for immediate use. During the fall the two clubs will use it on alternate days for coaching, as the Veritas is not to be put in commission until the spring.


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