
The Advocate.

The first criticism on the Advocate which appears today, might be made in regard to the editorials. It must be said that for a paper with the traditions and professedly serious intentions of the Advocate they are decidedly lacking in taste.

The stories are about up to the usual standard of merit.

Perhaps the most entertaining is "The Heeler" by R. W. Child '03 a humor us tale with an effective climax told after the manner of Mark Twain in some of his recent writings.

"Miss Zenson," by H. M. Ayres lacks life, does not hold the reader and is rather improbable.

"Tillinghast, Stroke Oar" has the atmosphere of the Charles River and contains some decidedly good characterization as well as charact ristic dialogue. The climax is a bit drawn out, but, the story as a whole is cleverly told.


"The Story of a Crow" by R. H. Howe, Jr., is a short humorous fragment evidently from the pen of a naturalist.

"In the Sixth Year" by R. T. Hale, is forced and the writer fails to manage his climax when he has reached it.

In printing such a story as "Snakes in Ecclesiastical History" the Advocate again seems to be in danger of falling a bit below its level. The plot is effectively brought out but there is some question as to whether a vivid three paged account of drunkenness does not endanger the standard of refinement which the Advocate has heretofore set for itself.
