The Sound Currency Committee of the Reform Club has issued a circular announcing three cash prizes for original unpublished essays, in order to encourage research and study of currency problems, and to ensure the publication of whatever valuable data and arguments may result. The prizes are of one hundred, fifty and twenty-five dollars respectively, and will be awarded for the best essays on one of the following subjects:
I. Original investigation into the history of bank note systems in the United States, dealing particularly with the development of special features, such as (1) methods of security, (2) redemption provisions, (3) elasticity, (4) branch banking, (5) interest rates, etc.
II. The influence upon rural communities of a bank note currency based upon general commercial assets, as distinguished from a system based on deposit of bonds.
III. The problem of supplying credit facilities to agricultural classes, with special reference to branch banks and banks of issue.
The essays may be of any desirable length provided they do not exceed 20,000 words, and must be in the hands of the Sound Currency Committee by July 1, 1901. Copies of the circular may be obtained by addressing the Committee, at 52 William street New York.
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