
Two Bequests.

The will of the late Mr. Henry Villard of New York includes a bequest of $50,000 to Harvard College followed by the words, "gratefully remembering that my two sons and six nephews were educated at that institution." The gift is unrestricted. Among other bequests is one of $50,000 to Columbia University.

By the will of ex-Governor Roger Wolcott '70, which was filed last week at the Suffolk Probate Court, Harvard College is to receive the sum of $20,000. There also are several other public bequests as follows: Massachusetts General Hospital, $5000; Boston Museum of Fine Arts, $5000; Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, $1000; Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, $1000; trustees of the Wolcott Library of Litchfield, Conn., $1000; trustees of the Public Library of Milton, $2000.

The will which is dated March 3, 1900, appoints Francis C. Welch, Philip Dexter '89 and Roger Wolcott '99 as executors.
