The sixth annual convention of the Federation of Graduate Clubs was held at Philadelphia and Bryn, Mawr Pennsylvania, December 26, 27, and 28th, 1900. Twenty seven graduate clubs, representing as many universities and about five thousand graduate students, belong to the Federation, and were represented at the convention. The Harvard delegates were Mr. A. H. Shearer, 2G., and Mr. J. H. Patten '97, 3G.
The Federation chose the following officers for the year 1901:
President, James H. Patten of Harvard.
1st. Vice Pres., C. S. Hyde of Columbian.
2nd. Vice Pres., A. K. Foster of Yale.
3rd. Vice Pres., W. S. Small of Clark.
Cor. Secy., Elizabeth Laird of Bryn Mawr.
Recording Secy., H. Thompson of Columbia.
Treasurer, B. C. Ewer of Brown.
Among the various topics discussed were "The Feasibility of Preparing a List of the Subjects of Theses in Preparation to Prevent Conflicts," "The Status of American Students in Foreign Universities," "The Relation of Graduate to Undergraduate Courses," "The Lecture System," "Salaries," "The Seminar," and "The Thesis." On most of these questions conclusions were reached and resolutions were adopted which will be sent to the proper authorities.
In response to the demand for a more pretentious organ of the Federation than the handbook hitherto published, it was decided to start a Graduate Student's Magazine. Dr. Barclay W. Bradley of Philadelphia has been chosen as Editor-in-Chief.
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